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24.03.2014, 19:16

On 22nd March Paweł Paszta directed the theatre workshop with students of Józef Elsner Music School in Miodowa Street in Warsaw. The work concerned the following topics: being a part of a theatre team, synchronization and attention on stage, building a role, actor's interpretation of a role. The future opera singers did a great job!

21.03.2014, 12:00

Yesterday, on 20.03.2014 in JCC-Warsaw in 9A Chmielna Street there was a performative reading of a play DRAGON'S LOVER by Michael Gurevitch translated by Paulina Muciok, Paulina Przyziółkowska, Agnieszka Witkowska, Julita Wolska and Łukasz D±browski under the supervision of Agnieszka Olek. Directed by: Paweł Paszta.

15.03.2014, 22:48

On 19th March at 7:00PM at the 165th Secondary School in Kiwerska Street in Warsaw there will be a presentation of pupils theatre work under the supervision of Paweł Paszta. The children's texts will be shown on stage.

30.01.2014, 22:00

Yesterday, on 29th January, Paweł Paszta directed the workshop entitled Orfeo and Euridice - about the unsolvable things. The students of secondary school in Słupia Jędrzejowska (near Kielce, Poland) were the participants of the workshop.

14.01.2014, 23:34

Tomorrow, on 15.01.2014, in The John Paul II City Library in Opole (Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Jana Pawła II) there will be a meeting with Paweł Paszta on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition on Isaac Bashevis Singer (SINGER - THE WORLD THAT HAS GONE AWAY). The opening starts at 5:30PM. Address: ul. Minorytów 4, Opole, Poland.
>>> The Library Web-site

3.01.2014, 11:35

This time, in the most recent issue of a magazine Skarpa warszawska, Mr Witold Sadowy writes about Stories not only for children. I invite you to read the article and see the performance! Click below to read the fragment of the article:

16.12.2013, 12:02

In the last issue of the magazine Skarpa warszawska there is a notice about Koszałki opałki in an article by Witold Sadowy. We invite you to buy the magazine. Here is the fragment.

27.11.2013, 11:58

On 1st December (Sunday morning) at 8 AM on Radio dla Ciebie there will be a talk with Paweł Paszta.

16.11.2013, 11:13

On 25th Nov. (Monday) at 7 PM in Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy in Toruń a performative reading of David Greig's play PYRENEES will be presented. The cast: Maria Kierzkowska, Ewa Pietras, Marek Milczarczyk, Grzegorz Wi¶niewski. Director: Paweł Paszta. Translated by: Małgorzata Semil.
>>> information on E-TEATR.PL
>>> information on the Theatre web-site.

13.11.2013, 12:33

There have been published new reviews on Stories not only for children. Click here to read the articles:
>>> review by Iwa Poznerowicz, Czarodziejski ¶wiat Singera.
>>> review by Magdalena Ogieniewska, O tym, co w życiu najważniejsze.

29.10.2013, 11:53

I invite you to the performative reading of a play I AM TALKING TO YOU IN CHINESE by Savyon Liebrecht, translated to Polish by Michał Sobelman. The reading will take place on 12th Nov. at 7 PM in Teatr Żydowski (Jewish Theatre) in Warsaw. The cast: Ewa Gre¶, Małgorzata Trybalska, Ewa Tucholska, Ryszard Kluge i Dawid Szurmiej. Directed by: Paweł Paszta.

30.09.2013, 10:39

There is a new conversation between Urszula Zawadzka and Paweł Paszta at E-TEATR in Polish.
>>> read the article

21.07.2013, 16:33

Since tomorrow (22th July) the workshop POZYTYWNA ALCHEMIA organized by ''Polish Centre of ITI'' starts. The workshop is dedicated to secondary school and high-school students. Paweł Paszta is a leader of a part called Work using the drama method. We invite you for the final demonstration which is going to take part in sala Laboratorium of Zamek Ujazdowski in Warsaw on Saturday 27th July at 4 PM.
>>> the project Website: POZYTYWNA ALCHEMIA

3.06.2013, 21:24

We've started the rehearsals to the new performance in the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. It's called STORIES NOT ONLY FOR CHILDREN and it's based on I. B. Singer's proze. The cast: Monika Chrz±stowska and Jerzy Walczak, music: Aleksandra Monkiewicz, directing: Paweł Paszta. Premiere 26.08 at 6 PM.

20.04.2013, 11:39

The performance THE PALACE OF GHOSTS is the final of the work in F. Chopin's Music School this year. On Sunday 21.04 between 11AM and 6PM Paweł Paszta will lead the practical part of a seminar called Moniuszko known and unknown. The other lecturers are: prof. Jerzy Knetig, prof. Anna Maćkowiak, prof. Marta Jarczewska. Please be invited.

28.03.2013, 18:30

In March there were two presentations of Paweł Paszta's pedagogic work. The performance Otello, which was prepared with a theatre group DRAMA in Maria Gwizdak's House of Culture in Warsaw, was shown in House of Culture in Pruszków (near Warsaw) on 15th March. This performance was prepared completely with drama method during the school year 2011/2012.
The performance called Colleague Winnie The Pooh, prepared in Lelewel's High School in Warsaw, was shown during The Week of Youth Culture in the high school on 22nd March.

12.03.2013, 16:00

ATTENTION. There is a change of Necessary targets - performative reading starting time. It will start at 17:00 on Wednesday 20th March. Teatr Bagatela, Cracow.

5.03.2013, 18:43

On Wednesday 20th March at 19:15 in Teatr Bagatela in Krakow - performative reading of Eve Ensler's Necessary targets directed by Paweł Paszta. The cast:
Karolina Chapko,
Alina Kamińska,
Ewa Mitoń,
Kamila Klimczak,
Katarzyna Litwin,
Małgorzata Piskorz,
Justyna Schneider.
Please be invited!

25.01.2013, 11:58

We have a new review on Koszałki opałki. The article is available here:
>>> review by Iwa Poznerowicz Koszałki Opałki czyli Korczak w kabarecie.

15.01.2013, 21:43

The rehearsals to the new performance called THE PALACE OF GHOSTS have started. The project is a cooperation with students of Classical Singing Section in Music School of F. Chopin in Bednarska Street in Warsaw. The premiere will be on 18th April 2013 in Przebendowski Palace (The Museum of Independence). Written and directed by Paweł Paszta, vocal training - Anna Maćkowiak.

5.01.2013, 17:12

New review of Korczak's yard in IRKA.COM.PL:
>>> review by Monika Wojda, IRKA.COM.PL

18.12.2012, 21:02

The premiere of Korczak's yard took place last Friday. We received three reviews: by Szymon Spichalski, Iwa Poznerowicz and Katarzyna Binkiewicz. Below are the links to these articles (in Polish):
>>> review by Szymon Spichalski
>>> review by Iwa Poznerowicz
>>> review by Katarzyna Binkiewicz

19.11.2012, 7:01

Pokojówki (The maids) have been presented on 15.11 at Forum Młodej Reżyserii in PWST in Cracow.

3.10.2012, 23:11

We have started rehearsals to the new project KORCZAK'S YARD. Premiere on 14th Dec in a cellar stage called Piwnica Warsza in Teatr Kamienica in Warsaw.

25.09.2012, 7:00

On 1st Oct. at 20:00 in Teatr Powszechny of Zygmunt Huebner in Warsaw we invite you for a performative reading of a play by Paweł Paszta (based on Janusz Korczak) called Korczak's yard. The cast: Paulina Chru¶ciel, Ewa Gre¶, Anna Moskal, Anna Próchniak, Grzegorz Falkowski, Sławomir Pacek, Zygmunt Sierakowski. Admission free.
Reservation: >>> strona Teatru

16.09.2012, 17:13

On 6th October 2012 at 1:00 pm at Festival Prapremiery in Teatr Polski in Bydgoszcz, as a part of DEBIUTS series, the radio theatre Fragmenty listów miłosnych by Ireneusz Iredyński directed by Paweł Paszta will be presented.
more info: >>> Teatr Polski in Bydgoszcz

1.08.2012, 21:34

The rehearsals to the performance Koszałki opałki in Warsaw Jewish Theatre have started. The script written by Pawel Paszta is based on Janusz Korczak's columns, humoresques and Warsaw pre-war songs. Music by Teresa Wrońska. Cast: Ewa Gre¶, Ernestyna Winnicka, Konrad Darocha and Michał Żerucha to the piano accompaniment of Teresa Wrońska. Directed by Paweł Paszta. Premiere on 1.09 at 14:00 on the Small Stage.
Tickets already on sale!

11.06.2012, 16:15

Pokojówki (THE MAIDS) directed by Paweł Paszta were qualified for the contest called Forum Młodej Reżyserii (The Young Productions Forum) which is going to take place between 15th and 18th November in Cracow. The contest is being organized by The Cracow Theatre School of Ludwik Solski.


Marcin Chochlew's photoes from the rehearsals of The script for three actors are available here: Have a look!

Watch the movie from the rehearsals in April: REHEARSALS - FRAGMENTS


The next premiere directed by Paweł Paszta is going to be Script for three actors - text by Bogusław Schaeffer. The rehearsals are in progress in the rooms of Theatre Academy. In the cast: Marcin Chochlew, Cezary Jankowski and Sebastian ¦wierszcz. The producer of the performance is Klaudia Błazik - a student of Theoretical Faculty at Theatre Academy.
The premiere on 4.06 (Monday) at 19:00 in Bielański Ratusz in Warsaw. We invite you kindly. Admission free!
Next performance 5.06 at the same place.


On 15.03 at 19:00 in Radio Kampus (Warsaw 97,1 MHz) - an interview with Paweł Paszta about Pokojówki (THE MAIDS).


Between 1.03 and 11.03 Paweł Paszta took part in international theatre workshop F.I.N.D. plus, which were organized together with F.I.N.D. Festival in Schaubuehne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin. The groups of theatre universities students from various countries took part in the workshop - Rennes (France), Strasbourg (France), Berlin (Germany), Jenin (Palestine), Krakow and Warsaw (Poland). The classes were leaded by Uta Plate, Grażyna Dyl±g, Graham Whybrew, Falk Richter. Students took part in discussions with the directors of the Festival plays (Krzysztof Warlikowski, Thomas Ostermeier, Marius von Mayenburg, Ivo van Hove). The manager of F.I.N.D plus was Johannes von Matuschka, and the discussions were leaded by Thomas Ostermeier. Very inspiring!!!

>>> more info: Schaubuehne Web-site


On 17.02 the premiere of Pawel Paszta's diploma performance!
Pokojówki (THE MAIDS) by Genet are now to watch in Teatr Collegium Nobilium!!!

>>> tickets
>>> more info: Teatr Collegium Nobilium
>>> about the performance


On 16.12 at 22:00 on Polskie Radio Program 2
The radio play Fragmenty listów miłosnych by Ireneusz Iredyński.
Directed by Paweł Paszta.
The cast:
Ewa Gre¶
Miłogost Reczek
Produced by: Maria Wa¶kiewicz
Supervised by: Andrzej Brzoska