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1.12.2016, 16:35

The reahearsals of PUSTOSTAN by Malina Prześluga have started in Współczesny Theatre in Szczecin. The cast: Maria Dąbrowska, Barbara Lewandowska, Anna Januszewska, Konrad Beta, Robert Gondek, Adam Kuzycz-Berezowski, Paweł Niczewski. Music by Tomasz Jakub Opałka, set by Aleksandra Szempruch. Director: Paweł Paszta.

15.11.2016, 22:42

We have finished the work on Black on White - the musical on a small stage in Rozrywka Theatre in Chorzów (Poland). We have also made few films, which support the theatre work. You can already watch our teaser, soon we will present the trailer and a documentary piece about the music in this project.
>>> teaser for Black on White

30.08.2016, 21:18

The work on a film debut is still in progress. The shooting for a second trial scene has taken place recently. The cast: Mateusz Nędza i Paweł Ciołkosz, DOP: Kuba Burakiewicz. More info:
>>> pictures from the shooting on 17th Aug 2016

27.06.2016, 23:55

The one year long course STUDIO PRÓB (The rehearsal film studio) in Wajda School has finished. Paweł Paszta is among the graduates, while the work on the script of CREDO film is still in progress. More info soon.

17.05.2016, 12:43

The new review by Witold Sadowy on Jadzia's Life To My Mind has been published. Recently, there was also another review by Iwa Poznerowicz.
>>> review by Iwa Poznerowicz, TEATR DLA WAS
>>> review by Witold Sadowy, E-TEATR

1.05.2016, 14:07

On the International Dance Day 29th April, the Intenational Theatre Institute (ITI) by UNESCO has announced the annual world message. Paweł Paszta is the author of the Polish translation to the 2016 message.
>>> the message in Polish
>>> infos on
>>> infos on imit web-site

20.04.2016, 11:17

We invite You for an opera egzam in Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy with a cooperation with Fryderyk Chopin Musical University. Paweł Paszta is Prof. Ryszard Peryt's assistent. The subjecu has been The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The students who direct the performance are: Agnieszka Baranowska, Piotr Kurzawa, Justyna Misiuk, Michał Zdunik. The show is tonight at 7PM in Theatre Collegium Nobilium in Warsaw.
>>> infos on the Theatre web-site

8.11.2015, 23:01

Paweł Paszta has started the curse called DEVELOPMENT LAB in Wajda Filmschool. This is the beginning of the work on a film debut.
>>> information about the programme DEVELOPMENT LAB in Wajda School

23.10.2015, 12:42

Next Monday (on 26th Oct.) in Horzycy Theatre in Torun, there will be a performative reading of Anne Habermehl's drama OSTATNIE TERYTORIUM (Letztes territorium). Translated into Polish by Karolina Bikont. The cast: Anna Magalska-Milczarczyk, Michał Marek Ubysz, Arkadiusz Walesiak i Bartosz Woźny. Directed and musical arrangement by: Paweł Paszta.
>>> information on the Theatre web-site

17.08.2015, 11:48

Last Friday on local Radio Station RDC there was an interview with Paweł Paszta, Sławomir Holland and Zam Believingood (a talk called Wieczór w RDC led by Teresa Drozda). The talk was related to the new production Życie Jadzi według mnie (Jadzia's Life To My Mind). You can listen to this radio programme, by clicking on the ling below:
>>> radio RDC talk on Friday 14th August

9.08.2015, 16:43

Soon, on 7th September during the festival 'Winobraniowe Spotkania Teatralne 2015' in Lubuski Theatre in Zielona Góra there will be the premiere of a new production called Życie Jadzi według mnie (The Jadzia's life to my mind). It is a monodram after Zam Believingood's novel performed by Sławomir Holland, directed by Paweł Paszta. Set design and the graphics by Ewelina Brudnicka, choreography - Joanna Lichorowicz. The performance is a co-production of Keszet Sławomir Holland and ATu Teatr Company and is thought to be played in various spaces - so it can travel around Poland, Europe, the Globe...
>>> information on theatre web-site

10.06.2015, 22:42

Next Sunday (14th June) in Podkowa Leśna (near Warsaw) as a part of the Festival 'Otwarte Ogrody 2015' (Open Gardens 2015) there will take place the event called "Kaleidoscope - the Iwaszkiewicz's spaces in Podkowa Leśna". As a part of this event (including the walk in open air) Paweł Paszta will direct the performative reading of his own adaptation of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz's story "Młyn nad Utratą" ('The Windmill on the Utrata River'). The cast is: Paweł Ciołkosz (as Karol) and Wojciech Żołądkowicz (as Julek) and also Kinga Wołyńska (on flute).
>>> project fanpage on facebook

19.05.2015, 14:43

Last Saturday night (16th May 2015) there was a second presentation of a drama called Five Kilos of Sugar. This event was a part of Museums Night in Warsaw JCC Center in 9A Chmielna Street. In the same time, I would like to emphasize, that we are looking for a theatre that would kindly like to produce this performance in a full size production. The audience on Saturday, again, applauded very vividly.

29.04.2015, 16:52

On the International Dance Day, Paweł Paszta has made a video clip to promote the special message written by Israel Galvan. You can watch the movie by clicking on the link below:

16.04.2015, 12:51

The play Stories not only for children has been presented on "Oblicza Teatru" festival in Polkowice (Poland) on 20th March. See the materials from this event below:
>>> photographs from Polkowice
>>> video on festival tv

8.04.2015, 17:59

In November 2014, Paweł Paszta led the workshop for students of the second level State Music School at the Classical Vocal Faculty. Please, read the report on the school website below.
>>> workshop review on the website of ZPSM nr 1 in Warsaw

9.03.2015, 10:29

There is a new review on Miłość i polityka
>>> review by Piotr Grosman, O polityce z francuskim wdziękiem, TEATR DLA WAS

27.02.2015, 14:48

There are new reviews on Miłość i polityka and Królestwo wszechwanny .
>>> review by MANU, W sieci politycznych intryg i pożądliwości, JELONKA.COM
>>> review by Agata Wiedro, Uśmiech śmierci, DZIENNIK TEATRALNY

25.02.2015, 14:20

In Autumn 2014, Paweł Paszta has led the drama workshop with the residents of the Youth Educational Centre nr 5 in Józefów (near Warsaw). Here is the diploma:

16.02.2015, 20:57

The performance Stories not only for children has been invited to take part in a theatre festival in Polkowice. The play will be presented twice on 20th March at 9AM and 11AM.
>>> more info

11.02.2015, 8:23

Next Saturday: new premiere! Miłość i polityka in Teatr Norwida in Jelenia Góra. We have a trailer of this performance:
>>> trailer: MIŁOŚĆ I POLITYKA

5.02.2015, 14:30

On 19th Feb 2015 at 7pm in JCC-Warsaw (9A Chmielna Street) there will be a performative reading of a Gur Koren's play Chamisza kilo sukar translated into Polish by Paloma Aksman, Dagmara Labok, Paulina Muciok, Emilia Szulc, Agnieszka Witkowska and Julita Wolska under the supervision pf Agnieszka Olek. The reading will be directed by Paweł Paszta. The cast is: Alicja Dąbrowska, Adam Pater and Michał Żerucha. The event is a part of BIMA series organized by the Polish Centre of ITI and Jewish Community Center (JCC).

5.01.2015, 17:57

New reviews on z Królestwo wszechwanny. Click to read (in Polish):
>>> review by Bronisław Tumiłowicz, PRZEGLĄD
>>> review by Barbara Michalczyk, TEATRAKCJE
>>> review by Michał Kubiak, QULT QULTURY