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Dragon's lover - performative reading  


author: Michael Gurevitch

translated by:
Paulina Muciok
Paulina Przyziółkowska
Agnieszka Witkowska
Julita Wolska
Łukasz Dąbrowski
- under the supervision of Agnieszka Olek

directed by: Paweł Paszta

music by: Aleksandra Monkiewicz

graphics by: Ewa Greś

Jadwiga Wianecka
Sławomir Holland
Robert Koszucki
Adam Pater

cello: Aleksandra Monkiewicz

The performance prepared as an inauguration of a project by the Polish Centre of the International Theatre Institute /ITI/ "THEATRE OF THE WORLD - PLAYS READINGS" - the cycle of performative readings of the drama of the world.
In co-operation with the Jewish Community Centre in Warsaw.

date: 20.03.2014, at 7:00 PM
Jewish Community Centre JCC Warszawa
ul. Chmielna 9a, Warszawa