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20.12.2024, 6.22 |
As a part of a scholarship funded by EU as a National Recovery Plan (for Culture) Paweł Paszta has prepared a special YouTube chanel with short movies/lectures on a subject "Body work in directing and pedagogics"
Funded by European Union NextGenerationEU
Body work in directing and pedagogics
22.09.2023, 8.01 |
Today there will be an open presentation of the work of Young Theatre group, which works in Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury (WOAK) in Torun. The participants (age 12-15) have prepared a performance (Un)predictable journey under the direction of Agnieszka Zakrzewska and Paweł Paszta. The presentation in Młyny Kultury, ul. Kościuszki 75-77, Toruń. Come at 7PM.
18.05.2023, 11.48 |
Paweł Paszta together with Mousike Tekhne prepared a performance of an instrumental theatre The Player inspired by a novel written by Fiodor Dostojewski and the life and music of Domenico Scarlatti. The rehearsals took place in Geneve in April and May 2023
teaser of The Player
2.07.2022, 13.50 |
Paweł Paszta is taking part in the first edition of festival OSTEN in Bitterfeld-Wolfen in Germany. There are two events in the festival programme with Paweł Paszta:
the complete programme is available here:
>>> OSTEN festival programme
14.09.2020, 20.37 |
On 11th, 12th and 13th September the performance Hamlet has been presented in the Torun Townhall Courtyard. This medieval space became a set of the Shakespeare's tragedy for the second time in the history. In 1926 the 'Hamlet' directed by Karol Benda was also presented there.
17.08.2020, 8.02 |
During pandemia Paweł Paszta worked on few projects online. There has been created a vimeo chanel called Scenoptikon Teatru Horzycy which turned to be a new virtual stage of Harzyca Theatre. Here are some videos from the pandemia period:
24.11.2019, 22.51 |
The rehearsals for the new premiere of Alice in Wonderland directed by Paweł Paszta have started in Horzyca Theatre in Torun. The Official premiere will be on 18th January 2020.
8.09.2019, 12.24 |
There are some international articles on the opening of Festival Barocco Alessandro Stradella in Caprarola, which has been inaugurated by IL TRESPOLO TUTORE in Palazzo Farnese.
>>> a talk with Paweł Paszta, amadeus magazine
>>> TV clip in RaiNews24
>>> review in diapason magazine
11.08.2019, 14.00 |
During "Festival Barocco Alessandro Stradella" in Caprarola, Italy, there will be public presentations of two operas directed by Paweł Paszta. For the festival opening on 31st August at 8.30 PM there will be a premiere of a new version of "Il Trespolo Tutore", and on 14th September at 8.30 PM you will be able to watch the performance Amare e fingere, which premiere took place recently in L'Aquila on 13th July.
>>> Festival Web-site >>> Festival facebook fanpage
13.07.2019, 13.40 |
Today in L'Aquila there will be a premiere of a scenic version of the barocco opera Amare e fingere by Alessandro Stradella. The performance is conducted by Andrea de Carlo. The cast of singers and orchestra is international.
3.07.2019, 11:50 |
Recently published DVD with Il Trespolo Tutore has received an international recognition.
>>> review by Louis Bilodeau, Classica
>>> review in Pizzicato magazine, Supersonic Pizzicato Award!
>>> Click here to buy the DVD
28.09.2019, 8:15 |
Tomorrow the premiere of Dream concert directed by Paweł Paszta with musical arrangements by Igor Nowicki. It's a musical show made of international hit songs of pop music of last 100 years.
15.04.2019, 14:00 |
The TV Theatre film Silent night has been awarded with GOLD REMI on the International Film Festiwalu World Fest in Houston, USA in a category "Independent Shorts - Dramatic Ogiginal"
10.12.2018, 12:57 |
Since today the new DVD with Il Trespolo Tutore opera performance directed by Paweł Paszta is available on DUX website and in many music stores.
>>> Click here to buy a DVD
24.11.2018, 10:43 |
On 28th November at 6.30PM in Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw, ul. Jazdów 1, there will be a film presentation of Cicha noc (Silent night) directed by Paweł Paszta. After the screening is a meeting with the director.
>>> information on the Theatre Institute Website
12.10.2018, 19:37 |
We are working on the new premiere. Hamlet soon in Horzyca Theatre!
>>> Production Fanpage
30.07.2018, 14:15 |
The TV performance Silent night (CICHA NOC) will be presented on the International Film Festival New Horizons (NOWE HORYZONTY) in Wrocław. This is a film/theatre debut directed by Paweł Paszta. The film as a part of "TEATROTEKA set 2" will be presented on Monday at 4PM and on Thursday on 7PM.
>>> New horizons film festiwal
10.05.2018, 21:18 |
The performance IL TRESPOLO TUTORE directed by Paweł Paszta (a part of PhD) has been presented on 28th April 2018 on the Bydgoski Opera Festival as a part of an International Opera Youth Forum. Milena Lange (Artemisia part) has been awarded a second Prize for the personality of the Forum.
>>>Opera Youth Forum
5.02.2018, 21:25 |
Next Sunday, 11th Feb, on the Teatroteka Fest festival in Warsaw (Poland), you are welcome to watch CICHA NOC (SILENT NIGHT), a TV performance directed by Paweł Paszta. The shows start at 2 pm in Teatr Collegium Nobilium and at 2:30pm in Kino Kultura.
>>>the full festival programme
>>>SILENT NIGHT trailer on vimeo
14.11.2017, 9:53 |
Paweł Paszta has been awarded the Nikolaus Kopernikus University Prize for the biggest artistic event in 2016/2017 for directing of a play NAPIS. The Jury claimed, that in the performance "through a well made piece of theatre there has been created a rich world inspiring to a critical reflection on the social relations and the political correctness."
>>>the diploma
1.10.2017, 11:44 |
We invite you to see the pictures of a away-from-home performance PUSTOSTAN in Krotoszyn (as a part of a project of visiting small cities with professional theatre- TEATR POLSKA). Pawel Płócienniczak's photoblog shows how we played in Krotoszyn:
>>> Paweł Płócienniczak's photoes from Krotoszyn
1.09.2017, 22:24 |
Since 1st Sept. 2017 Paweł Paszta is an art director in Horzyca Theatre in Toruń, Poland.
28.08.2017, 21:36 |
The performance PUSTOSTAN has achieved the final selection in Teatr Polska programme. This means we are going for a tournée throughout Poland. We will play in the following places:
- 3.09 Goleniów, Teatr Brama,
- 13.09 Nowa Sól, Nowosolski Dom Kultury,
- 14.09 Kłodzko, Kłodzkie Centrum Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji,
- 15.09 Jarocin, Parowozownia,
- 16.09 Krotoszyn, Krotoszyński Ośrodek Kultury,
- 18.09 w Mirosławiec, Ośrodek Kultury.
All the shows will be performed at 6 PM. After each performance, please be invited for the educational workshop called "We play the family". The project coordinator in the Współczesny Theatre Crew is Maria Górna.
>>>TEATR POLSKA, about the programme
18.08.2017, 6:29 |
We have finished shooting the TV performance CICHA NOC (Silent night). The enterprize is a production of Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych in Warsaw as a part of a series TEATROTEKA. At the moment the postproduction is being procedured.
>>>about TEATROTEKA series
18.05.2017, 6:57 |
The performance STORIES NOT ONLY FOR CHILDREN has been invited to take part in Simchat Chajim Festival. On Wednesday 24th May 2017 we will play twice - in Krotoszyn at 10 AM and in Jarocin at 5 PM.
>>>festival Website
20.04.2017, 23:47 |
Soon the premiere of NAPIS (L'Inscription). On the Theatre Website you can see the photoes from the first rehearsal, which took place on 14th March. Click on the link below.
>>>Horzycy Theatre Website News
7.04.2017, 8:34 |
The next work as an assistant professor at the Opera Institute. Please, be invited for the egzam presentation of the third-year Directing Faculty students' opera performances. This is the co-operation with Fryderyk Chopin Musical University. The subjects are Mozart's Cosi fan tutte and Don Giovanni. Supervised by: Prof. Ryszard Peryt. The open presentation on Saturday 8th April at 7PM. Theatre Collegium Nobilium, Main Stage. Warsaw, 22/24 Miodowa Street.
26.02.2017, 15:31 |
Two reviews of the recent play Pustostan have been published. Below - the links to read in Polish:
>>>review by Joanna Ostrowska, TEATRALNY.PL
>>>review by Agnieszka Moroz, DZIENNIK TEATRALNY
20.01.2017, 21:40 |
We invite you to come and see the performance played by the students of Sing Faculty of Warsaw ZPSM (State Music School) nr 1 in 22c-d Miodowa Street. The script has been based on the Polish traditional Christmas Carrols after Witold Lutosławski's compositions. Also, there are parts of spoken texts from the poema Et in Arcadia ego by Tadeusz Różewicz. Directed by Paweł Paszta, vocal training by Monika Nowicka, piano by Agnieszka Stachurska. The show will be presented on: - Sunday 22nd Jan. at 12:00 in Podziemie Kamedulskie, Warsaw, Dewajtis Street
- Monday 23rd Jan. at 18:30 in Aula Małej Miodowej, 22c Miodowa Street, Warsaw
>>> performance poster
6.01.2017, 18:26 |
The review of Black on White has been published recently. You can read it here in Polish:
>>> review by Magdalena Tarnowska, TEATRALNY.PL