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29.12.2014, 11:12

So far, we have received four reviews on Królestwo wszechwanny. Here are the links to the articles (in Polish):
>>> review by Wiesław Kowalski, TEATR DLA WAS
>>> review by Katarzyna Binkiewicz, KRYTYKAT
>>> review by Kacper Ponichtera, FORUM ŻYDÓW POLSKICH
>>> review by Joanna Tumiłowicz, MAESTRO.NET.PL

21.12.2014, 20:18

Monika Chrząstowska as one of six actresses has been nominated for the "theatre actress of the year" by the Web-site qult qultury for a role in The Kingdom of Bath directed by Paweł Paszta.

18.12.2014, 16:04

On 16th Dec.Paweł Paszta has started rehearsals to the new performance in C. K. Norwid Theatre in Jelenia Góra (South West Poland). It is a French comedy play Noire politique et blanche colombe (Miłość i polityka) by Pierre Sauvil translated by Barbara Grzegorzewska. Premiere on 14th February 2015.

1.12.2014, 23:59

Yesterday, Paweł Paszta was a guest on Radio RDC. You can listen the conversation here:
>>> talk on Radio RDC, 30th Nov. 2014 at 4:30-5:30 PM

24.11.2014, 23:14

The performance Koszałki opałki has been moved to the new space in Jewish Theatre and will remain there for the next times. It will be shown on the Small Stage now. We have also a new review from the performance.
>>> review by Weronika Trzeciak, WIADOMOŚCI 24

16.10.2014, 9:19

Next Saturday (18th Oct, 7 PM) in Słowacki Theatre in Cracow, there will be a performative reading of Eugene Ionesco's SZALEŃSTWO WE DWOJE (CRAZY THING IN TWO). The cast: Anna Polony, Krzysztof Orzechowski, Bartosz Bielenia. Directed by Paweł Paszta.
>>> information on the Theatre Web-site

29.09.2014, 12:26

In Warsaw Jewish Theatre Paweł Paszta has just started rehearsals to the new performance. It is called KRÓLESTWO WSZECHWANNY. The script based on Hanoch Levin's sketches, songs and poetry: Paweł Paszta, music: Tomasz Jakub Opałka, set design: Ewelina Brudnicka, choreography: Joanna Lichorowicz.
>>> information on the Theatre Web-site

25.08.2014, 12:47

As a part of the 11th edition of Warsaw Singer Festival, Paweł Paszta is preparing two performative readings. Last Thursday there was a reading of Savyon Liebrecht's I'M TALKING TO YOU IN CHINESE. Next Saturday at 5PM at Austrian Culture Forum, there will be a reading of a script based on a book LIVES AND EMBERS by Jacob G. Rosenberg.

31.07.2014, 8:02

Today on Radio Kampus (97,1 MHz in Warsaw) Paweł Paszta will be talking about his projects for the 11th Festival Warszawa Singera 2014. The convesation at 12:00.

2.06.2014, 17:03

Last Wednesday (on 28th May) Paweł Paszta, as a Board Member of the Polish Centre of the International Theatre Institute, has given the Witkacy Prize (for promoting Polish theatre worldwide) to Philip Arnoult. The celebration took part in Toruń, during the International Theatre Festival KONTAKT. Paweł Paszta also led a talk with the Laureate.

20.05.2014, 11:18

On Friday 23rd May at 6:30 PM Paweł Paszta and Karolina Kirsz will take part in a radio talk on RADIO AKTYWNE (Internet Radio Station).
>>> Listen here: RADIO AKTYWNE

20.05.2014, 11:14

On the Joachim Lelewel secondary school website, there are pictures of the theatre event prepared by the pupils under the supervision of Paweł Paszta (script based on pupils' texts) and Agnieszka Markanicz (music).
>>> click here to see the pictures and the part of the script

10.05.2014, 11:02

On 11th May, Sunday, Paweł Paszta will be a guest in the radio program on Polish station RDC 101 MHz in Warszaw between 3 PM and 4 PM.

16.04.2014, 13:07

On 23rd April at 7 PM in Cyprian Kamil Norwid Theatre in Jelenia Góra there will be a performative reading of a drama AKTOR by C.K.Norwid directed by Paweł Paszta.
The cast:
Hrabina - Iwona Lach
Jerzy - Piotr Konieczyński
Książę - Igor Kowalik
Gotard - Grzegorz Stosz
Erazm - Andrzej Kępiński
Eliza - Karolina Gibki
Werner - Jacek Paruszyński
Olimpia - Elżbieta Kosecka
Nicka - Małgorzata Osiej-Gadzina
Faustyn - Jacek Grondowy
Felcia - Agata Grobel
Aktor (Maurycy, Kacper, Chłopcy, Sąsiad, Żebrak...) - Sebastian Świerszcz

27.03.2014, 7:13

Paweł Paszta has translated from English into Polish the International ITI Message for The World Theatre Day 2014. The author of the Message is Brett Bailey.
Read the Message: >>> click here