author: Isaac Bashevis Singer
script by Paweł Paszta based on Isaac Bashevis Singer's STORIES FOR CHILDREN
translated by: Andrzej Polkowski
directed: Paweł Paszta
songs by (music and lyrics): Paweł Paszta
illustrative music and songs arrangement by: Aleksandra Monkiewicz
poster project: Ewa Greś after the drawing by Karina Szutko (7 year old)
cast: Rachela - Monika Chrząstowska Menasze - Jerzy Walczak
cello: Aleksandra Monkiewicz
prepared for the X Festiwal Warszawa Singera
premiere: 26.08.2013, at 17:30
Mała Scena - Mamele Teatr Żydowski im. Estery Rachel i Idy Kamińskich
pl. Grzybowski 12/16, Warszawa
Articles about the performance:
>>> review by Iwa Poznerowicz, Czarodziejski świat Singera.
>>> review by Magdalena Ogieniewska, O tym, co w życiu najważniejsze.
>>> fragment of Witold Sadowy's article in Skarpa warszawska