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Pięć kilo cukru  


author: Gur Koren

translated by: Paloma Aksman, Dagmara Labok, Paulina Muciok, Emilia Szulc, Agnieszka Witkowska, Julita Wolska

translation supervisor: Agnieszka Olek

original title: Chamisza kilo sukar

directed by: Paweł Paszta

Alicja Dąbrowska
Mateusz Rusin
Michał Żerucha

Performative reading as a part of a series of events BIMA
organized by the Polish Center of the International Theatre Institute /ITI/ and Jewish Community Center /JCC/ took place two times:

19.02.2015 at 7PM
16.05.2015 at 11:30PM (Museums Night)

JCC Warsaw,
ul. Chmielna 9A

Pictures from the performative reading (fot. Agata Rakowiecka, JCC):