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Lives and Embers  


author: Jacob G. Rosenberg

translated by: Sebastian Musielak

script, music arrangement and directed by: Paweł Paszta

the cast:
Miriam - Monika Soszka
Sara - Alina Świdowska
Henoch - Jerzy Walczak

Performative reading of the script on 30th Aug 2014 at 5 PM
as a part of XI Festival Singer's Warsaw.

Austriackie Forum Kultury
ul. Próżna 7/9, Warszawa

On Nov 22nd. and 23.11.2016 there have been another two performative readings of this script, but this time in a second version (for 5 women). The cast was: Małgorzata Majewska, Joanna Przybyłowska, Joanna Rzączyńska, Izabella Rzeszowska, Barbara Szeliga. Admission free.