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Necessary targets - performative reading


author: Eve Ensler

translated by: Julitta Grodek

directed by: Paweł Paszta

there were musical parts from Goran Bregovic's repertoire in the performance

the cast:
Karolina Chapko as Seada,
Alina Kamińska as JS
Ewa Mitoń as Azra
Kamila Klimczak as Jelena
Katarzyna Litwin as Melissa
Małgorzata Piskorz as Zlata
Justyna Schneider as Nuna.

The performative reading took place on 20th March 2013 on stage called "Scena na Sarego" in Teatr Bagatela im. Tadeusza Boya-Żeleńskiego. It was a part of a series LABORATORIUM MŁODEJ REŻYSERII. After the performance there was a discussion betweem the director and the audience.